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Quality of Education:
Behaviour and Attitudes
Personal Development:

Leadership and Management:
Early Years Provision:
"Pupils enjoy coming to school. They say that staff welcome them with kindness every day. Pupils feel well supported as they develop academically and personally. They appreciate opportunities to contribute and improve aspects of the school."
Read the 2024 full report here:
or click 'here' for a link to the Ofsted page.
Ethos and Vision

Ethos and Vision



Our ethos is to 'provide creative learning experiences, which will inspire and challenge our children to maximise their academic potential' ensuring 'children leave us as honest, kind and respectful young people, equipped with the skills to continue their journey as lifelong learners'.  


At the end of their time at The Flitch Green Academy, our vision is for all children to have:

- Developed a strong work ethic both for their own benefit and the benefit of others.
- Developed practical and social skills that support the transition to secondary school.
- Developed, through the teaching or our ethos, self-respect and respect for others, whatever their ability, race, religion or culture. 
- Gained the skills to work independently, either on their own or as part of a group, and take responsibility for both themselves and others. 

To achieve this The Flitch Green Academy will:

- Ensure equal opportunities for all and promote the British Values.
- Work in partnership with parents/carers, the local community and partner schools. 
- Provide a safe and secure environment where children will feel safe, happy and supported both pastorally and academically.
- Plan and deliver a relevant curriculum which is inclusive, challenging and creative. 



To assist with our vision we work with Mr Trogan, who is our ambassador for Key Life Skills. He helps us promote the following values:

COOL COLLABORATOR: Team work, sharing, respect and communication

CONFIDENT CHARACTER: Confidence, self esteem and Pride.

CRITICAL THINKER: Self reflection, problem solving and empathy.

CREATIVE NAVIGATOR: Growth mindset and trying new things.

CHALLENGE CONQUEROR: Resilience, perseverance and independance.

CRACKING CITIZEN: Kindness, politeness, honesty and responsibilty. 

Our Staff

Our Staff


Please click 'here' for our latest vacancies.



Governors work together to provide an independent oversight of the management and operation of the Academy, with the aim of improving the quality of the education provided, raising standards and making decisions in the best interests of the Academy’s pupils, staff and wider community.


The Governing Body does not run the Academy or become involved with daily management; this is the job of the Principal and the leadership team. Governors help shape the aims and aspirations of the Academy, bringing a range of perspectives to all issues.


There are a number of key aspects to the work of the Governing Body. They set policies, establish the Academy development plan, ensure that public funds are spent appropriately and effectively, ensure statutory duties are complied with and provide rigorous accountability.


All Governors are volunteers who meet as a Full Governing Body at least four times a year. 


The Governing Body of The Flitch Green Academy is comprised of:

Chair of Governors: Carly Bucknell     

Co Vice Chair of Governors: Jon Shakallis and Katie Bailey

Parent Governors:

Amy Hawes

Alan Ellwood

Jo Brooker

Katie Bailey

Rebecca Noori


Community Governors:

Katie Brown

Carly Bucknell

Jon Shakallis

Katie Thomas

Laura Lilley

Luke Lawlor


Staff Governors:

Caren Warren
Claire Farley

The Principal of the Academy:

Alex Burden

Governors also form two sub-committees that meet once a term:

Finance, Audit and Risk Committee:

Katie Brown (Chair)

Jon Shakallis (Vice-Chair)

Carly Bucknell

Alan Ellwood

Luke Lawlor

Laura Lilley

Alex Burden



Curriculum & Pupils Committee:

Jo Brooker (Co-Chair)

Katie Thomas (Co-Chair)

Katie Bailey

Claire Farley

Amy Hawes

Caren Warren

Alex Noori

Alex Burden

Our governors can be contacted by emailing:

Governor Newsletters:

October 2024

Key Documents:

2024 Financial Statements

2023 Financial Statements

Scheme of Delegation 2024

Governance Structure - December 2024

including Declaration of Interests & meeting attendance

Funding Agreement for The Flitch Green Academy

Articles of Association for The Flitch Green Academy

Flitch Green Academy
Flitch Green Academy
Flitch Green
Flitch Green Academy
Essex School


If you are considering choosing the Academy as the start of your child's educational journey or are moving to Flitch Green then please contact the school for a tour, we would love to show you around!
Our published admission number (PAN) is 45 pupils per year group. This means we have mixed year groups throughout the school, except for Reception.

Please e-mail Claire North on or call Claire on 01371 822330 who will be able to answer any admission questions you may have and to book a tour date. 


Reception 2025

Parents of children born during the period 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2021 will be able to apply from 4th November 2024 to start school in September 2025.  The National closing date for applications is 15th January 2025. The National offer day is 16th April 2025. 
Parents must apply for Reception places via Essex County Council.
Information can be found on the following website link - Applications 

Reception Intake for September 2025 - tour information

Admissions Policy for Entry September 2025

Admissions Policy for Entry September 2026 

Joining Mid-Year

Mid-year applications are any application for a school place made to a year group apart from starting Reception.
All mid-year applications should be made directly to the Academy, using the mid-year application form below:

For applications into existing year groups, a place will be offered when the number of pupils in the relevant year group is below the published admission number for that year group. 


Are you within our priority catchment area?
If you are unsure, please click here and input your address.
Admissions Criteria:

1: Looked After Children and previously looked after children (as defined in the Primary Education in Essex 2025/2026 booklet).

2: Children living in the priority admissions area with a sibling attending the academy

3: Children (natural or adopted) who can prove they have a parent working at the academy

4: Other children living in the priority admissions area

5: Children living outside the priority admissions area with a sibling attending the school

6: Remaining applications


In the event of oversubscription within any of the above criteria, priority will be determined by straight line distance from home to school, those living closest being given the highest priority. Straight line distances are calculated by the LA as described on page 11 of the Primary Education in Essex booklet.


Exceptional medical circumstances (supported by medical evidence) may override the above (other than criterion 1) if, in the view of the Governing Body, The Flitch Green Academy is the only local school that can meet the child’s needs.



Please see the timetable below for details on the academy’s appeals process for those children starting school in September 2025.




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01371 822330          |          |          The Flitch Green Academy, Tanton Road, Flitch Green, Dunmow, CM6 3GG

© Flitch Green Academy

Website Created By: Capture House

Company Reg Number: 7477728

VAT Reg Number: 107673316

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